
Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Welcome to our group blog! (Or what some call a "glog.") We are six children's book authors with a wide range of experience teaching writing to children, teens, and adults. Here, we will share our unique perspective as writing teachers who are also working writers. While part of our goal is to discuss what we've learned about writing and the teaching of writing, we also hope to accomplish something here that we can't do on our websites: facilitate conversations between writers, teachers, and librarians about the subjects we love best--writing, teaching writing, and reading.

To encourage that interaction, we would like to solicit topic suggestions from you, our readers. Please see the "Ask the Teaching Authors" section in the sidebar to submit writing or teaching questions you would like addressed here.

This blog is a work-in-progress. The current plan is to post three times per week, rotating through a schedule that has each Teaching Author posting every two weeks. We will begin our regular posts on Monday, April 27, with a series about who we are and how we became Teaching Authors. That series will end just in time for Children's Book Week (, which will relate directly to our second topic.

We have ideas for additional features, including reviews of books on writing and interviews with other Teaching Authors. However, our main goal is make this blog a valuable resource for teachers, librarians, and writers. Please let us know how we can best do that. We want to hear your voice!


  1. Rock it out, Carmela and the gang. I can't wait to see everything you all cook up!

    Folks, these are some talented ladies. Listen up!

  2. Congratulations on the new blog -- what a great idea! I'll definitely follow and be ready to point my own students (I teach a short workshop about once a year) and other aspiring authors to this spot!

  3. Thanks for the encouragement, Cynthea and Lisa!

  4. I took a picture book writing course from April Halprin Wayland through UCLA Extension and can vouch for her 100% awesomeness.

    I'm looking forward to all of the wonderful content that's sure to come out of this blog!

  5. Welcome to the kidlitosphere! I look forward to learning new ideas about teaching kids to be real writers.

  6. Congrats on the blog! I am adding you to my reader. Can't wait to read your posts and some of your books.

  7. The Kidlitosphere is definitely a welcoming place!

  8. Love the "glog!" Did you guys come up with that? I am really looking forward to this blog and to see all the wonderful things you cook up. My blog targets the same audience, and so I will look forward to your writing ideas and topics. It is so much fun to learn from each other! And you guys sound SUPER organized!!! :)

    Margo Dill

  9. We didn't make up the term "glog"--I read it in an article about starting a group blog. I'll have to check out your blog, too, Margo. I'm still new to the "blogosphere."


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