
Friday, July 13, 2012

Summer Books in Three Words: a 2:06 minute Video!

Howdy, Campers and happy summer!

I thought you might be interested in a fun video to inspire summer
reading some of my California author friends and I cooked up.  We're
all members of The Children's Authors Network (CAN!)

Take a gander:

C'est tout!

Love and peace and justice for all,

April Halprin Wayland


  1. It looks as if you had a positively wonderful time doing this! So many wonderful books! I'm reading as fast as I can! Thanks for a morning smile!

  2. And thank YOU for peeking over our fence this morning, neighbor Linda!

  3. I didn't know filmmaking was one of your many talents:)

  4. It was a group effort, Carolee...and author Alexis O'Neill edited it and found the music (thank you, Alexis!)

  5. ...I think it was originally Janet Wong's idea...


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