
Monday, February 25, 2013

Someone(s) You Should Know: Mrs. Duray's Fervent Learners

There I was, out and about at the 2013 Colorado Chapter IRA Heroes in Literacy Conference in Denver, sharing with teachers proven ways to seed and feed their Young Authors, when a workshop presenter shared a proven way with me I knew I’d quickly share with you.

Please meet Deanna Duray's Little School’s Third Graders, digital citizens with the handle Fervent Learners!
Their classroom was one of seven (out of 127 applicants!) in Jefferson County, Colorado to receive on January 14th an iPad 1:1 Grant from the local  Karl Friedman Family Foundation.

I emailed Deanna Duray to ask what she loves best about her third graders blogging.
Having an authentic audience was on the top of her list. 
“It gives us the opportunity to reach outside of our classroom walls and show our families and others how we are growing as writers. Just this last week our class blogged about the upcoming state testing and what it takes to be a FERVENT test taker. I shared our blog link with one of our 6th grade teachers and her students replied back. I love how blogging gives students a wider audience!"

As for her fervent bloggers and what they love best?
“I love that you can comment on other people's blogs!” wrote Micaela.
“I love how I can blog from home!” commented Jovanni.
Kayla loved how “you can express your feelings to all the people that will be reading your blog.”
Kyle loved how “you can change font and write what you want to write.”

Click on Fervent Learners.
Explore the Blogroll.
Scroll the Blog Directory.
Choose a post and share your comments!

If you’re a classroom teacher, consider introducing this opportunity to your students.
If you’re a writer, especially of children’s books, consider each Fervent Learner post a mini-lesson on Voice.

And, thank you, Deanna Duray and Fervent Learners, for sharing your experience and expertise.

Esther Hershenhorn


  1. Thank You Mrs. Hershenhorn,
    Thank you for making this blog and giving us the opportunity to share our blogs with other authors. This will give people the opportunity to explore our blogs (we loved how you linked to our blogs). We are very thankful and excited to be 'kinda' famous. Also, thank you for encouraging teachers to teach their students how to blog. You are a great writer and we are grateful that you wrote about us! Once again... thank you!
    The Fervent Learners

  2. Thank you, Fervent Learners, for your thoughtful comments to my blog!
    I'm hoping our TeachingAuthors readers will stop by YOUR blog and comment too.
    Let's stay in touch!

  3. My students have been blogging all year, and they love it. We are about to begin the March Slice of Life Challenge from The Two Writing Teachers,
    We will be blogging on kidblog at
    Beginning Friday, look for blog posts from my gifted students.
    I will put The Fervent Learners in our blogroll. Happy blogging!


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