
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wednesday Writing Workout: Encouragement

The Dot is a story about encouragement: A generous teacher refuses to give up on a student she believes in. It’s also about determination: The student realizes she can do better, goes back, and tries again. And persistence: Over and over, she faces the blank page, experimenting with colors and sizes.

Today’s Wednesday Writing Workout, inspired by The Dot, focuses on encouragement.

As writers, we have to be our own cheerleaders, coaches, and fans.

Here are some suggestions for remaining positive about your work:

  • Print your title page. Frame it. Hang it above your desk or computer.
  • Write yourself an encouraging note. Remember to be kind to yourself. Writing is hard!
  • Get enough sleep. As my mom used to say, everything looks better in the morning.
  • As Julia Cameron says in The Artist’s Way, fill the well! Visit a museum. Hike through the wilderness. Paddle around with a pal.
  • Celebrate every victory, no matter how tiny. Invite writer friends who understand to join the party, and be sure to celebrate their victories, too!
Happy writing!


  1. Love this, JA! I haven't actually framed the title of my WIP, but I have created a cover mockup that I keep in a plastic protective sleeve.
    Thanks for the encouragement!

  2. My blog post this week at Bildebok was all about my Artist Date at the zoo. Terrific!

  3. I am a huge fan of The Dot and The Artist's Way. I am trying to encourage my students to express themselves, and I fill their wells up with poetry and art.
    Thanks for telling me to celebrate every victory. This is so important!


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