
Friday, March 21, 2014

Signs of the Seasons

icy lakes and rivers,
snow up to
our necks,
skating through
day after
frozen day.

snowdrops in sunny spots,
parking on both sides,

and hooray--
maple sap is running!

Go outside and look.
It's safe now.
Here comes spring!

I had planned to post a poem today about sticking my neck out. As I recall, it had a really good comparison between the way a giraffe might plunge in headfirst and an amoeba slides its foot forward. Alas, I cannot find the poem on my computer. Did I ever even write it, or was it just one of those lingering ideas that never found its way onto paper or from paper to keyboard? Maybe I'll write it one day.

In whatever we write, though, our own experiences shine through. Wisconsin's winter has been the coldest in thirty years or so. Spring? We're so ready!

Today's Poetry Friday Roundup is at The Drift Record. Enjoy! 

JoAnn Early Macken


  1. I love the photos! We're ready for spring here in Michigan too. It's also one of our worst winter's in history.

  2. Love these images and reflections, JoAnn. Today my dog and I made it to the path around our lake for the first time since November. I can't say which of us enjoyed it more, but he'll certainly argue that he did. Should have taken my camera.

  3. Your words and pictures perfectly capture this past visit by Old Man Winter to the Midwest, JoAnn.
    It might be fun to do the same for Summer and Fall, and then use all the images in some fun way - mix-and-match, what's wrong with this pix, you-name-it.
    Thanks for sharing.

  4. I am intrigued with the sticking the neck out poem. To draw those two disparate creatures into a comparison is quite the literary
    leap. Brava! And if you are like me, you wrote it in longhand somewhere but it didn't get into the pixelated world. I hope we see it in one of your books some year.

    And the photographs! Maple sugar time. Easier parking. Such a different world from here-
    Garden Zone 8, where the winter camellias are near kaput, but the azaleas and dogwoods are in glory.

    I remember those winter times (New Jersey and New York State & CT days.) And in fact we just tromped thru city snow in Boston a week or so back. Thank you for the NG quality photos.

  5. Thanks, everyone! Angela, I'm hearing the same thing from all over the Midwest--and, of course, other regions have their own issues.

    Sandy, I find that on the days I walk without a camera, I notice different things. I think Annie Dillard talked about the two perspective in Pilgrim at Tinker Creek. I must remember to look that up!

    Esther, I love the suggestion of looking at other seasons as well. Definitely something to put on my Consider This list!

    Jan, yes, I might have a written draft somewhere. Maybe I'll run across it if I ever finish clearing off my desk! Enjoy your azaleas & dogwoods--hoping to see them here soon!

  6. Except for one day, it's hardly felt like Spring here yet. I hope it arrives in earnest soon.
    Love your poem and pictures, JA!

  7. What a fun poem and photos! And I do that all the time with poems. There are some I'm sure I've written but can't find. And others I come across that I don't remember writing at all!

  8. Beautiful images, AND words.


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