
Monday, August 3, 2015

Making Connections 

“We are like islands in the sea, separate on the surface but connected in the deep.” ~ William James

I have so enjoyed this unit on summer experiences presented by the Teaching Authors. At the core of these discussions is the importance of making connections. JoAnn connects to nature, offering interesting experiments with monarch butterflies.

Esther Carla and April  explore the important connections to be made at writing conferences that go above and beyond the business of writing.

Mary Ann connects to the next generation of writers in her discussion of summer camp,

“We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men; and among those fibers, as sympathetic threads, our actions run as causes, and they come back to us as effects.” ~ Herman Melville

We know stories are old. Humans have been telling stories for over 100,000 years. Not every culture had developed codified laws, or even a written language, but every culture in the history of the world has had stories. Some research suggests stories predate language, that language came about in order to express story concepts.

And those first stories are found in paintings buried in prehistoric caves. An ancient man reaches out and across 40,000 years to his descendents, connecting past to present. It is the essence of humankind to connect.   As Eric Booth states, in The Everyday Work of Art, “Art is not apart. It is a continuum within which all participate; we all function in art, use the skills of art, and engage in the action of artists every day.”  

Kinza Riza/Courtesy of 

“It really boils down to this: that all life is interrelated. We are all caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tired into a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one destiny, affects all indirectly.” ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

Thank you for connecting with me and the Teaching Authors!

Bobbi Miller

About the photograph: A stencil of an early human's hand in an Indonesian cave is estimated to be about 39,000 years old. Kinza Riza/Courtesy of

See More about the Cave Art here: Rock (Art) of Ages: Indonesian Cave Paintings Are 40,000 Years Old. Cave paintings of animals and hand stencils in Sulawesi, Indonesia, seem to be as old as similar cave art in Europe.  Read more:


  1. Love not only the quotes but the cave painting image. All I can say is Wow!

  2. Wow, 39,000 years! I agree that we're all connected on this earth and feel the internet has brought so many more of us together than in days gone by. Having cyber friends around the world lets us all know we are more alike than we are different.

  3. Thank you, Yvonne and Marcia! And I agree, Marcia, although Facebook (and all the other social sites) does have its negative side, I tend to think that, when used wisely, there is so much more positive to be had!

  4. Marti: I know, it is a WOW moment! I love the between the juxtaposition of the hands and hearts of today's children and the hand of the ancient man (or woman!) reaching out for each other. It gave me chills to see them!

  5. You had me at the very first quote but loved them all!


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