
Friday, April 15, 2016

Post #999, and the Poem in My Pocket

In honor of National Poetry Month, today I'll be sharing the Poem in My Pocket. But first, a word about a blog milestone. When I went to create this post, I noticed it will the 999th we've published here on TeachingAuthors!

The REAL celebration begins one week from today, when we commemorate our SEVENTH blogiversary! Hard to believe we've been at this that long. I speak for all the TeachingAuthors when I say we're so very grateful for the wonderful connections we've made through this blog. But more on that next week.

For today, I want to continue our current topic. In honor of next Thursday's Poem in Your Pocket Day, each TA is sharing the poem in her pocket. I've thoroughly enjoyed reading all the choices so far. (If you missed them, Bobbi provides links along with her pocket poem in her post.)

I haven't been writing poetry lately, so instead of trying to write a poem a day for National Poetry Month I decided to read one. After Myra's post at Gathering Books introduced me to Mary Oliver's Felicity (Penguin), I chose that wonderful collection as the source of my poems for this month.

When I read the very first poem, "Don't Worry," on April 1st, I felt as though Oliver was speaking directly to me. I've been feeling frustrated about how long it's taking me to complete several major writing projects, especially my project to indie publish Rosa, Sola to bring it back into print. Oliver's poem was just what I needed that day, which happened to be Good Friday, a day of fasting and prayer for me:

    Don't Worry
    by Mary Oliver

    Things take the time they take. Don't

    How many roads did St. Augustine follow
        before he became St. Augustine?

         from Felicity © 2015

As I continue along this treacherous, twisty road of children's publishing, having Oliver's poem in my pocket gives me solace and inspiration. I'm looking forward to finding more inspiration in this week's Poetry Friday roundup, which is at Michelle's Little Ditty. If you don't already have a poem for your pocket, perhaps you'll find one there!
Happy writing!


  1. I may have to borrow this comforting poem for my own pocket, Carmela. Actually, I may have to make sure I'm wearing a few pockets that day! Congratulations to all of you on 999 posts and your upcoming 7th blogiversary! WOW!

  2. That seems like a good one for me to memorize. Congratulations on your 999th!

  3. Thanks Tabatha and Michelle! I'm glad you like the poem. :-)

  4. Mary Oliver seems to offer the right words when we need them, doesn't she? I have this book and still haven't read it? Perhaps it's time! Congratulations on 999 posts, and each one interesting and entertaining, Carmela. Happy Poem In Your Pocket Day!

  5. Perfect poem to keep close. Good luck with your projects!

  6. Yes, best wishes on these crazy, winding roads! CONGRATS to all of you on Post 999, and thanks for all the multiplied goodness you bring to our universe. :0)

  7. What a perfect, perfect poem!! Thank you!

  8. Carmela: I am a fan of Mary Oliver, and I am happy that you pointed me to this poem of hers. A good life lesson, for sure. Thank you for sharing, and congrats on the wonderful blog milestone.


  9. Linda, I'm loving FELICITY. I encourage you to dig right in!
    Thanks, Jama, Robyn, Bobbi, and Karen. I appreciate you stopping by. I've been away from home and need to catch up on my blog reading now.


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