
Friday, July 21, 2017

Working While Out and About

Hello Everyone,
As Bobbi mentioned on Monday, we're back from our summer break with a series on the "view from our window." My work the last few weeks has focused on teaching rather than writing, so I haven't been home much lately. But my "view" hasn't been in a traditional classroom. This week, I presented at the Catholic Writers Guild conference. This post is a bit late because I didn't get home till around 2 this afternoon. I'd spent the morning there signing books alongside fellow middle-grade/YA author Amy Cattapan and saying farewell to some lovely friends, some I'd just met in person for the first time.

Amy and I did NOT intentionally color-coordinate our outfits
Yesterday, Amy and I did a team presentation with YA author Stephanie Engelman on "Writing for Teens and Tweens." We forgot to ask someone to take a picture while we were speaking, but we did get one afterward:
Stephanie, me, and Amy right after our talk

Immediately before our team presentation, I gave a talk on "Turning Life into Fiction."

Photo courtesy of Amy Cattapan
All these presentations follow on the heels of my teaching a new week-long Creativity Camp for students age 9-12 at the Mayslake Peabody Estate in Oak Brook.
My camp students hard at work 
I won't be teaching for a while now, so I hope to get back to writing soon.

Meanwhile, don't forget--today is Poetry Friday. This week's roundup is over at The Logonauts.

Remember to Write with JOY!


  1. Oh, my, you have been busy! Good for you!

  2. Dear Carmela,

    As JoAnn says, Wow--you've been a busy, busy bee! Enjoy your much-deserved vacation!

  3. I wish I could have heard this session. Best to you as you being writing. Carla


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