
Friday, June 1, 2018

What I Love About Being a TeachingAuthor

     We're celebrating our Ninth Blogiversary with a series of posts sharing what we love about being a TeachingAuthor.

     I fear my comments may sound redundant, as I'm the next to last TA to address the topic. Like my fellow TAs, I love being part of this terrific team of award-winning authors who happen to also be writing teachers. It's amazing how close I feel to all the  TeachingAuthors even though most of them live far from me, in locations scattered across the country, and I have yet to meet one in person!

     What's surprises me even more, though, is how connected I feel to you, our readers. I did not foresee this when the initial TeachingAuthors team met to plan this blog and discuss who our target audience would be. We eventually decided we wanted to write about topics of interest to fellow writers--published and yet-to-be-published--and to those who teach writing. We hoped to share information that would be useful to both groups. To this day, that continues to be our goal.

     The part I didn't anticipate was how supportive, encouraging, and downright friendly our readers would be. Many of you comment regularly, and when I see your lovely profile photos in the comment box, I feel I'm reconnecting with a longtime friend. I initially proposed this blog as a way to be of service, and, as Esther says, "pay it forward," to fellow writers, writing students, and teachers. But often, I feel I get back more from you, dear readers, than I give.

     One of the posts that stands out in my mind was one I wrote back in 2014 called Holding on to Hope for Our "Unmarketable" Manuscripts. In that post, I shared about putting a young adult historical manuscript I'd poured my heart and soul into in the proverbial writer's drawer after being told it wasn't marketable enough. Not only did my fellow TAs post encouraging comments, but two readers, Linda Baie and Jan Godown Annino did, too. I was especially touched that Jan took the time to write a lengthy, lovely note in which she said: 
"I guess it's like a potter who creates a vase without a buyer ready to purchase, or a composer who hears music in her head & creates a score without knowing a symphony will perform her new piece." 
I don't think she even knew my novel's main character is a composer!

All the comments on my post lifted me up and made me feel embraced by a marvelous community.

Two and a half years later, in January, 2017, that same community celebrated with me when I announced that my YA historical had found its way out of the drawer and was in fact being published! And you've continued to cheer me on every step of the way, from the cover reveal through the book birthday.

It's that wonderful sense of community that is one of the things I love about being a TeachingAuthor. Thank you, dear readers.

     It's been a hectic week so I don't have a poem to share for Poetry Friday today, but I look forward to reading those in the roundup hosted by Buffy Silverman at Buffy's Blog.

As always, I encourage you to Write with Joy!


  1. I don't always come by, but I've loved reading the TA blog for a long while, and I know you know that, Carmela. You are kind to give me and Jan a shout-out. It does feel as if we know one another, even over the air! I must say sorry because I still need to read your book, but I have it and I will! Hopefully, summer will offer all of us more delicious reading! Happy June!

  2. Thanks, Linda. Happy June to you, too! :-)

  3. Happy Saturday! to the Teaching Authors community, especially today, you dears, Carmela & Linda B. This is quite a delicious stumble upon, to find Linda & myself warmly wrapped up in the embrace of this joyful post. And you are correct, when I thought about a composer, I was totally tuneless about the fact that a composer featured strongly in your in-progress YA historical. Isn't that serendipity? or.. something else wonderful, like you, like Linda, like this online writing world all your visitors find nourishing, no matter how frequently, or randomly they visit.
    Many appreciations for today's revisit to a moment in TA history past.

    Happy 9th to all Teaching Authors, 9-gazllion times over!

  4. Jan and Linda are such faithful commenters. This is a wonderful community that lifts us all up and celebrates writing, teaching, and poetry.

  5. Happy 9th Anniversary, Teaching Authors! And thanks for this post, Carmela! I didn't read your original "Holding out Hope" post back in 2014, but it really resonated with me today. I know the story of your YA historical's long road to publication and I myself have a few old novel friends who are languishing in my "drawer". This post and all of the supportive comments are a perfect example of the warm, welcoming, informative and encouraging writing atmosphere that the Teaching Authors create and promote. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  6. Jan, I've been offline for a few days so I'm late in waving hello you ~~~ and nodding agreement to your wonderful words.
    Yes, Margaret, Linda and Jan are faithful commenters, and we're all so blessed to be part of this community.
    Oh, Leanne, the idea that we TAs help to create this community warms my heart. Thanks so much for stopping by. And I'm looking forward to your languishing novels soon seeing the light of day. :-)

  7. Celebrating you, Carmela, and Teaching Authors! I am honored to be one of the TAs, and so grateful for all that you do!

  8. Thanks, Bobbi! I'm so glad you're part of the TA team.

  9. Carmela, dear distant friend--what a great post!

    I agree, I agree when you write:
    "It's amazing how close I feel to all the TeachingAuthors even though most of them live far from me, in locations scattered across the country" and like you, I also feel connected to our readers.

    And I still have NO IDEA how people keep up with all our friends on blogs blooming across the kidlitosphere!


  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I often could not to do homework at school. I like to go out side and spend my free time the way I want. I do not like to waste my time on routine work. Especially when for this there are such team service as
    . But on the other side, it's not even bad. Because they may help in such global sciences as mathematics and physics. In this sphere I am a complete dummy.


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