
Monday, June 28, 2010

Giveaway Reminder, and Why I Need a Vacation

Don't forget to enter for a chance to win an autographed copy of Claudia Friddell's beautiful debut picture book Goliath: Hero of the Great Baltimore Fire, illustrated by Troy Howell. To enter, follow the instructions in Esther's last post. Entry deadline is 11 pm CST Tuesday, June 29.

As many of you know, I coordinate our posts here at My responsibilities include sending out the monthly blogging schedule to all the TeachingAuthors. Unfortunately, there was an error in the last schedule I gave everyone. Because of my mistake, Mary Ann didn't know that today was her turn to post. Unfortunately, due to previous commitments, she won't be able to post. My apologies to everyone, but especially Mary Ann, for my mistake.

On Wednesday, I'll post the name of our giveaway winner, along with the official announcement of a brief break in our blogging schedule next month. The vacation comes none to soon for me. Juggling teaching, writing, blogging, meetings, and personal life has been more of a challenge than usual for me lately. I'm looking forward to a little time off. :-) Meanwhile, I'll share a few recent items of interest from the Kidlit blogosphere:

Blogosphere Buzz
Happy writing!


  1. This time of year is impossibly busy - I'm catching up with my workload, I'm sure you can tell.
    Thanks for the links,


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