Today’s guest
TeachingAuthor interview is a nationally known author and writing teacher,
Darcy Pattison. She is the author of
fiction and nonfiction picture books, and novels. Pattison travels all over the country to
provide her high acclaimed Novel Revisions Retreats.
As if that
wasn’t enough, here are a few of her accomplishments:
writing teacher, Queen of Revisions, and founder of Mims House (
publisher, Darcy Pattison has been published in nine languages. Her books,
published with Harcourt, Philomel/Penguin, Harpercollins, Arbordale, and Mims
House have received recognition for excellence with starred reviews in Kirkus,
BCCB and PW. Three nonfiction nature books have been honored as National
Science Teacher’s Association Outstanding Science Trade books. The Journey of
Oliver K. Woodman (Harcourt) received an Irma Simonton Black and James H. Black
Award for Excellence in Children's Literature Honor Book award, and has been
published in a Houghton Mifflin textbook.
She’s the 2007 recipient of the Arkansas Governor’s Arts Award for
Individual Artist for her work in children’s literature.
Darcy and I
have been friends since the early days of both our careers. We met when she was the SCBWI Regional
Advisor, and since then have supported each other through the ups and downs of
building careers as published authors.
We celebrate each other’s accomplishments, and commiserate each other’s
disappointments. I am fortunate to call Darcy
my friend.
Enter for a chance to win Sleepers, Darcy Pattison's new book! Follow the instructions at the end to enter. |
She has agreed
to give away a copy of her brand new novel titled Sleepers. It is Book 1 in an exciting new trilogy
called The Blue Planets World. Enter the
TeachingAuthor book giveaway for a chance to win this excellent book that will
be released in July 2017. Read this
interview with Darcy and enter the giveaway at the end.
Darcy Pattison |
Now, here’s
did you become a TeachingAuthor?
I think I
was born a teacher. When I learn new information, my first thought is, “How can
I make this easier for a person to learn?”
When I
read a book, I think about how I can entice someone to read and enjoy it. How
can I set up the story in such a way to make it appealing? Our education system
rarely recognizes the importance of reading for pleasure. I want to help kids
enjoy the story, first and foremost. What you want is passionate readers, who
will jump into discussions because they care about the story and characters.
That comes most readily from readers who read for pleasure. That’s the first
goal of teaching any book – did the reader enjoy it?
they’ve enjoyed a book, students are ready to discuss with passion.
2. What's a common problem/question that your students have and how do you
address it?
problem I see with readers in middle school and high school readers is that
they start to self-identify with a particular genre and become unwilling to try
other genres. It makes sense in many ways. The task of a middle and high school
student is to become their own person. They start the process of deciding for
themselves what they like and dislike. When they start to self-identify as a
reader of historical fiction, for example, this aligns them with others who
have a similar interest. Instead, I keep encouraging students to expand and to
read other genres. While I can hardly be convinced to read a war story, I enjoy
many other genres and find the variety stimulating. I try to encourage kids to
branch out and find at least two or three genres to read.
3. Would you share a favorite writing exercise for our readers?
When I’m
teaching writing with kids, I love to use the Pick and Draw card game
(, which was developed by my friend, artist and illustrator
Rich Davis.
Students using the Pick and Draw card game created by illustrator Rich Davis. |
The card
deck has different colored sets. The first option is the head cards, which
present six possible head shapes. After the student draws the head shape they
were dealt, though, they must decide on a name. A complete name. With a middle
and last names. Specificity is the biggest problem of student writers, so I
encourage it at every stage.
Next, they
draw a card for a hair shape. Davis is brilliant in his choice of facial
features, which create their own excitement. This time, they must write down
something that the character wants. For older students, they must write three
things the character wants.
continue this way, alternating drawing a body part (eyes, nose, and ears), with
a specific trait of the emerging character.
I usually ask students to tell something about what the character hates
and fears, something about the family, and the place where they live.
within 30 minutes, students have developed a character that excites them. They
know enough about the character to write a story with this plot structure:
This is
the story about ______, who more than anything else wants ______, but can’t
have it because 1) _________(use a fear) , 2)__________ (encounters something
they hate), and 3) __________(use something about the family), UNTIL
____________(How do they solve the problem?)
one-hour class produces great stories.
4. How did you come to write your new science fiction series? Do you have
any suggestions for teachers on how they might the books in the
forthcoming science fiction series, The
Blue Planets World series, is about the first contact with an alien
species. Earth finally hears from space: You only live on land; allow us to
live in the seas.
If humans
occupied the land, and aliens filled the seas, what would the world be like?
The story began when I was researching the plight of puma (cougars) in Brazil.
The pumas live within sight of skyscrapers, in an urban landscape. Scientists
are working to create corridors, wild places, which connect one bit of forest
to the next. The plight of the puma bothered me for a long time. It seems to me
that the environmental questions of the next generation have changed. We used
to ask, “How can we preserve habitats for wildlife?”
But we’ve
failed badly. Our student’s generation will have to answer this question: “How
can we make room for wildlife in an urban environment?”
That led
me to the science fiction story of the Blue
Planets Worlds series. Beginning in July with Book 1, SLEEPERS, I explore the problems of sharing our world with another
species. Science fiction is good at putting social or philosophical problems
into a story form.
students to think about a specific environmental problem and try to
fictionalize it. Depending on the class, write an outline, a short story, a
plot summary or character sketches for their environmental story.
Or, read
other science fiction stories and discuss the questions that the writer probes
in the story. For example, in Ender’s Game, the author explores the limits of
war against another species. Is it right to utterly obliterate them before they
kill us?
Thank you, Darcy, for sharing your work with!
Readers, to enter our drawing for a chance to win a copy of
Sleepers (Mims House Books), written by Darcy Pattison, use the Rafflecopter widget below. You may enter via 1, 2, or all 3 options.

If you choose option 2, you MUST leave a comment on TODAY'S blog post below or on our
TeachingAuthors Facebook page. If you haven't already "liked" our Facebook page, please do so today! In your comment, tell us what you'd do with the book if you win our giveaway--keep it for yourself or give it to a young reader?
(If you prefer, you may submit your comment via email to: teachingauthors [at] gmail [dot] com.)
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YOU MUST STILL ENTER THE DRAWING VIA THE WIDGET BELOW. The giveaway ends June 30 and is open to U.S. residents only.
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