I conclude each of my Writing Workshops with my sincere thanks.
“Thank you,” I say, “for the privilege of sharing my love of writing and All Things Children’s Book so I could help you tell your good stories well.”
about our Children’s Book Community,
our literature,
“Thank you too,” I add, “for all you’ve taught me.”
the Wannabe who voraciously read through library and bookstore shelves,
who hungrily soaked up how-to advice,
who greedily gobbled up anyone’s words to help realize her long-held Dream.

For the past six weeks, while doing my best to seed and feed my Newberry picture book writers so they would grow and bear fruit, so to speak, I inhaled their Newness –
their drive,
their earnestness,
their fears and doubts,
their hesitation,
and once again I was “new” too.
I remain ever grateful.
each ripe with story!
*Beth Carey, Dee Conomy, Anne Dutro, Debby Edwards, Maureen Kanefield, Carol Kerman, Barbara McClure, Patricia Mided, Laura Mills and Hana Yoo
Please join my fellow bloggers for the next two weeks as we write Thanku’s – and – celebrate American Education Week.
Poetically honoring someone who made a difference in your Life, mind-expanding or otherwise, is good for the heart.
It’s also easy-peasy. :)
How true, Esther! I learn so much from my students whenever I teach!
What a perfectly juicy metaphor, Esther!
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