If you'd like to hear three quick tips for young writers from bestselling author Rick Riordan, you can watch this YouTube video.
Please note--these links are provided as a resource and do not indicate an endorsement of any of these sites or their programs.
If you know of other websites for young writers who would like to be published, please share the links in the comments and we will update this page with the information. Or if any of these links no longer work, please let us know that too.
- 805 Lit+Art Journal submissions page--they accept submissions from teens for their annual Teen edition
- Adroit Journal Summer Mentorship Program for students in grades 9-12
- The Alcott Youth Magazine submission guidelines for young women ages 13-22
- Alliance for Young Artists & Writers
- ALPHABET SOUP Magazine submission guidelines for children
- And Galleons Magazine submission guidelines for writers ages 13-22
- BALLOONS online literary journal publishes poetry, fiction, and art aimed at readers ages 12-16. See submission guidelines on their site here
- Blue Marble Review submission guidelines for students ages 13-22
- BRIDGE: The Bluffton University Literary Journal only publishes artists and writers age 14-24. See their submission guidelines on their site here
- BookTrust's Writing Tips for young writers
- California Young Playwrights Contest for Californians under age 19
- Cast of Wonders young adult short fiction submission guidelines
- Cosmic Writers online word camps
- CYBERKIDS online magazine submission guidelines for ages 7-12
- DAPHNE REVIEW international review submission guidelines for ages 13-18
- Elan Magazine guidelines for students in grades 9-12
- Ember: A Journal of Luminous Things guidelines: submissions by readers aged 10 to 18 are strongly encouraged
- Esmé Raji Codell's recommended reference books and story starters for young writers and illustrators
- Fingers Comma Toes online journal for children and young adults is open during specific periods. Check their site here for information
- FRODO'S NOTEBOOK online magazine submission guidelines for ages 13-19
- Gotham Writers Classes for Teens ages 13-17
- HaluHalo Journal accepts submissions from anyone between the ages of 12-25, but they give preference to submissions from writers and artists of Southeast Asian descent. See their guidelines on their website here
- Kay Snow Writing Contest Guidelines No entry fee for student writers--scroll down for details
- KidSpirit Online Magazine for ages 11-15
- KidZine, a collaboration between Cosmic Writers and Reading Recycled, publishes writers and artists under 18.
- Little Thoughts Press magazine submission guidelines for all ages, with a special section for ages 12 and under
- The Louisville Review Literary Magazine accepts submissions of previously unpublished poetry from students in grades K-12, but only during open submissions. Check their website here for more information.
- Lunch Ticket online magazine guidelines for ages 13-17
- Magic Dragon magazine submission guidelines for writing and art by children ages 6-12
- The Milking Cat comedy magazine submission information for teens.
- NaNoWriMo Young Writers Program
- National Peace Essay Contest for High School Students
- NewPages Young Authors Guide
- NEW MOON magazine submission guidelines for girls ages 8 and up
- Novel Novice blog writing prompts: a place to practice and share your writing
- One Teen Story short story contest for writers ages 13-19
- Paper Lanterns Literary Journal submission guidelines for writers ages 13-19
- Parakeet Magazine submission guidelines: accepts submissions of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction from writers ages 7-17
- Polyphony Lit submission guidelines for high school students
- Press Pause Press submission guidelines: accepts work from students under age 18
- Rattle Young Poets Anthology for poems written by students through age 16
- River of Words International Art and Poetry Contest guidelines, with categories for ages 5-19
- Scholastic Art and Writing Awards for students in grades 7-12
- Seshat Homeschool Literary Magazine submission guidelines for ages 13 and up
- SKIPPING STONES Magazine submission guidelines for ages 6-16
- Society of Young Inklings publishing opportunites
- STONE SOUP magazine submission guidelines for students up to age 13
- TEEN INK submission guidelines for ages 13-19
- Trouvaille Review Online Journal submission guidelines for high school students
- VCFA Young Writers Network, providing writing instruction resources for underserved students
- Young Poets Network (sponsored by Arts Council England)
- Young Poets' "Word of the Month Poetry Challenge"
- Young Writers Project publishing opportunities for those who live in Vermont & part of New Hampshire.
- Young Writers Society online community for writers ages 13-25
Teen writers: Looking for the best fiction to read and study to learn writing techniques? Check out YALSA's list of Best Fiction for Young Adults.
This is great! Great page!! :)
Keep up the great work!! :)
Very encouraging to children
Thanks for the feedback, Brenda!
I'm 26 and right now I feel sooo old...
Thanks so much for sharing this information for young writers! It's wonderful to see so many organizations providing them with real world opportunities to publish their work. Another resource is http://blog.younginklings.com/classes-and-programs/publishing-opportunities/
All best,
Naomi KInsman Downing
Creative Director
Society of Young Inklings
Thanks for the info, Naomi. I've added your site to our list.
Another great publication is Parallel Ink. It's an online magazine publishing poetry, narratives, and essays by students ages 12-18 around the world. It's a nice opportunity to get feedback, see your work in digital print, and even get artwork or a translation to go with your writing if its featured in the issue!
Link: http://parallel-ink.webs.com/
Thanks, Parallel Ink. I've added your link to our list.
I am a member of the Teen Board for Canvas, a teen literary magazine that is run by teens, for teens. We accept writing from teens 13-18, from all over the world. You can find out more about us here: http://canvasliteraryjournal.com/
Canvas Lit, thanks so much for the info. I've a link to your site.
Hi Ms. Martino!
Could you kindly update the link to Parallel Ink? We've moved to a new platform here: parallelink.tumblr.com.
Thanks for the update on Parallel Ink. I've revised the link.
Hello...I'm an aspiring author as well. And I'm loving your posts so far. Can you please check out my blog? http://somethinghappeningtome.blogspot.com
Hi Astha,
Glad you're enjoying our posts. Wishing you well with your writing.
Hi! Could you please list my online literary magazine, Moledro Magazine (http://moledromagazine.wixsite.com/moledromagazine) on your website?
Best wishes,
Richa Gupta
Thanks, Richa. I've added your link to our list.
Hi! I was wondering if you could add Seshat Literary Magazine to this list?:
Thanks! :)
Thanks for the info, Bookworm. I've added the link to your magazine.
I was wondering if you could add Enchanted Tales Literary Magazine to your list?
We accept submissions from writers and artists of all ages from all across the globe. You must be at least 13 years old.
The link is: http://enchantedtalesliterarymagazine.weebly.com/submit.html
Thanks! :)
Thanks, Bee Joannie. I've added the link.
Hi, could you please add The Oxford Comma to your list? We are a wholly student-run nonprofit and are looking for young writers to add their personal voice to our magazine. We accept poetry, short stories, personal essays, opinion pieces, photography and artwork. We recommend that the student be at least 13 years old to submit. Our website address is theoxfordcomma.org, and our email address for submissions is theoxfordcomma.submit@gmail.com! Thanks!
Thanks for letting us know about The Oxford Comma magazine. I've added you to the list.
Wow! Thank you so much!! :-)
Hi, could you please add Trouvaille Review to the list? Trouvaille Review is an online journal that publishes the poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction writing of high schoolers across the globe. For absolutely free, students may send us their work, and if selected, we will publish their works on this website. We strive to let the students know our decision within 24 hours. Questions and submissions should be sent to editor.trouvaillereview@gmail.com.
Thanks for telling us about Trouvaille Review. I've added it to the list.
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