Hip-hip-hooray for ten years of Teaching Authors blog posts! In honor of this momentous milestone, all ten current and former Teaching Authors are sharing some of our favorite posts.
We’re also giving away a signed copy of The Magic Words: Writing Great Books for Children and Young Adults by editor and author Cheryl B. Klein. You’ll find giveaway instructions in Carmela’s March 29 post. The giveaway ends on April 26. Good luck!
Because April is National Poetry Month and I’m posting on a Friday, I chose a post about poetry so I can participate in Poetry Friday and celebrate some more. I pored over all my old posts and picked one about the process of Revising a Poem because it still speaks to me. I hope you’ll also find a helpful tip or two!
Here in Wisconsin, this week’s April showers are snowflakes. Surprise!

yellow butterflies,I’m happy to report that since I last posted here in August 2017, I signed a contract for a new picture book to be published in spring 2021, and two of my poems have been accepted by magazines. My recent writing has focused mostly on poems, some of which I’ve posted on my blog.
green sea turtles, black sand beach—
everything ebbs and flows
I’ve been spending more time at the sewing machine than at my writing desk lately, making Boomerang Bags reusable shopping bags. A post I wrote for the Authors for Earth Day blog explains more. But I’m missing the joy of writing, so I hope to snuggle back into a daily routine soon. I’m considering this post a start. Thank you, Teaching Authors, for inviting me to contribute!
Irene Latham has today’s Poetry Friday Roundup at Live Your Poem. Enjoy!
JoAnn Early Macken
Ah, I could use some soothing balm of sunshine. But I’m thankful for the moisture we are getting; we do need it so, and at least it’s drops and not flakes. I like your last line: “everything ebbs and flows.” I think that is what I enjoy most about being near the ocean.
Spring Break starts today for us. I can't believe we finally made it! Great post. And, CONGRATULATIONS! What an act of love for our poetry community. Here's to ten more years.
Your sunny haiku is bringing hope to the middle of the country. I'm so happy to hear of all of your poetic success. Happy Blogaversary! Here's to 10 more years!
Happy 10 years! And so many congratulations on your new book deal and published poems. Keep those beautiful words flowing into the world, Jo Ann.. we need them! thank you! xo
Happy Blogiversary to all, JoAnn. Those ten years hold many memories, I imagine. I love that you had the sunshine vacation in Hawaii & oh, that bloom is amazing! And I'm glad you're back to more writing, hope 'ebbing and flowing'!
Congratulations on 10 wonderful years!! And also on your writing, sewing, and vacationing successes :-)!
Thanks, everyone, for your comments, congratulations, and ongoing support! Yesterday's snow has melted, and we're starting to see the first green shoots and migrating birds. Could it be spring? I sure hope so!
Congratulations on your upcoming book and poetry publication blog anniversary. So much to celebrate! I enjoyed the glimpse of Hawaii's ebb and flow in your haiku and photo. Spring is finally blooming (even though it's much cooler today) here in the Midwest and I am enjoying every new flower.
JA, so great to have your "voice" here on the TA blog again. And thanks for sharing the stunning bloom and the lovely haiku!
From the warmth of Hawaii to snow back home, you keep your writing fresh and open to continuing. Congratulations on the blogiversary and your new book, JoAnn. Your summer poem shares the cycle of life, ebbing and flowing. thanks for sharing.
Wow! Vacations, publications, and celebrations! Congratulations on all the wonderful news. I went back to read the post you shared about Revising a Poem and found more than one helpful hint there. Thanks for sharing it again.
Congratulations on your new contracts!! And what a lovely haiku! Thank you! ❤❤❤
Happy 10th! So much to celebrate over the years!
10 years - wow! That's outstanding! Based on this post alone, it sounds like there's so much to celebrate - woohoo!! Here's a huge congratulations from me to you!! I'm a newbie to your blog; I recently came acroos some social media posts from Amy at The Poem Farm, and they led me here. As a teacher of 20 years, I have no clue how I've gone so long without you all. I'm so happy I found you, and I can't wait to continue learning alongside you. Your blog is wonderful. Thank you so much for all your hard work and keep being awesome! :-)
**Also, I love those Boomerang Bags...I've been exploring the site on and off all day. Maybe one day I can do the same. Every little bit makes a difference. :-) Thanks!
How lovely to see your beautiful picture and read your haiku, JoAnn—you reminded me of my own trip to HI many moons ago. That tropical fruit! Mangos and Papayas never tasted better. Huge congrats on the PB contract and poetry sales too! WOOHOO!!!
A hearty congratulations all around! I love your haiku. My sister in law just moved to Hawaii and I have always wanted to go there. Maybe some day! Cheers! -- Christie @ https://wonderingandwondering.wordpress.com/
I'm so glad to see all the positive comments--thank you all for responding! We were lucky to have a relative to stay with in Hawaii who knew where to go and what not to miss. I hope to return someday. In the meantime, I'm putting raisins and suet out in the snow for the neighborhood robins and hoping the sun keeps shining. Come on, spring!
Thanks for this virtual visit to Hawaii JoAnn, via your lovely poem, pic, and links that I visited. Truly an inspiring paradise that I hope to visit one day. Congrats on your forthcoming picture book and the poems published!
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